First Service Coffee

A way to connect in a few minutes

If you only have a few minutes and if you are looking for a place to connect, come grab a cup of coffee or tea and hear about God’s movement in His world every Sunday.  Starting at 9:20 am every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall. This may only be a few minutes, but the Gospel can change your life.

First Service Coffee is a chance to explore the Gospel one cup at a time. In only 20 minutes – Theology… Fellowship… Coffee…

2017-2018 Academic Year

September 10 – Craig & Diane Spoor – audio
September 17 – St. Benedict – audio, handout, The Holy Rule of Benedict
September 24 – Ministries of the church
October 1 – Brannon & Chantal McDaniel – audio
October 8 – Andrew Murray
October 15 – Ministries of the church
October 22 – Matt & Kristen Mailloux
October 29 – Martin Luther (500th Anniversary of Reformation)
November 5 – Ministries of the church
November 12 – Liz Grissom
November 19 – Hippolytus of Rome

Summer 2017 – A Study of the Testimony of Mark in his Gospel

If the Gospel is simple, then why does it seem so complicated?  Join us over the summer to study the simple Gospel of Mark, and how its rich depths can transform us today.

June 4           Mark 1:1-15
June 11         Youth Celebration Sunday
June 18         Mark 1:16-45
June 25         Mark 2:1-17
July 2             Mark 2:18-3:6
July 9             Mark 3:7-35
July 16           Mark 4:1-34
July 23           Mark 4:35-5:43
July 30           Mark 6:1-29
August 6       Mark 6:30-56
August 13     Mark 7:1-35
August 20     Mark 8:1-30
August 27     Mark 8:31-9:1
Sept. 3           Mark 9:2-29

January – April 2017 – Testimonies from the Early Church


In the months of January through April, we will be looking at the lives of a few of our early church fathers.

January 15    Justin – audio, handout
January 22    Marcion – audio, handout
January 29    Sunday School Open House
February 5    Blandina – audio, handout
February 12  The Apostles – New Testament – audio, handout
February 19  Origen (185-255) & Tertullian (160-230) – audio, handout
February 26  Arius and his followers – audio, handout
March 5         Bible break: Coworkers in Rome [Romans 16]
March 12       Bible break: Diotrophes [3 John]
March 26      The Nicene Creed and its parties – audio, handout
April 2           Ulfila (the Little Wolf) – audio, handout
April 9           Nestorius & Council of Chalcedon – audio, handout
April 16         Easter, devotional and donuts
April 23         Augustine – audio, handout
April 30         Pelagius – audio, handout

WEPC Stories in May

May 7            A Testimony from YoungLivesvideo, handout
May 14          A Testimony from Jesse Reynolds & Joseph Ramus
May 21          A Testimony from ESL
May 27          Memorial Day devotional

A hospitable table

iStock_000001796594LargeThere will be cups of coffee, joyful hosts, and copies of Seeking God’s Face to welcome you and yours to our table of fellowship and praise. Stay for a few minutes, or just drop in.

Join us for a cup, and see the church.


Joe Brown