Connection Dinners

Fall Churchwide Dinner








On Sunday night, November 13th at 5:30 PM, the WEPC church family will be gathering together for a meal in the WEPC Fellowship Hall. This is your chance to get to know the people you see in passing at church, and to learn more about the creative and gracious God we have.

Visit the Churchwide Dinner page for more detailed information.

Spring Connection Dinners

Connection Dinner Large - Copy

During the Spring, Connection Dinners are held in homes throughout Richmond. This is a beautiful way to practice the gift of hospitality and/or the gift of graciousness. Plan to join a table in the Spring of 2017. Registration will open in the Spring.

Spring Hosting

If you are interested in hosting or co-hosting a dinner during the Spring of 2017, then contact Gary Wilson (407.488.4269), Julie Wilson (407.927.3294), or Joe Brown at the church office (804.741.6562).