Ash Wednesday
February 13, 2013 at 6:30pm
2013 Lenten Service
Lent, a tradition from the early centuries of church history, is a season of preparation preceding the celebration of Easter focused on repentance. Speaking biblically, to repent means to make a change in our attitudes, words, and lifestyles. As 16th century reformer Martin Luther taught, the Christian life in its totality is a life of repentance. Beginning when we first trust Christ, and continuing throughout our lives, we are more and more turning away from sin and self-centeredness and more and more turning to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This communion service will be an opportunity to worship God in light of the grace He gives His people to repent and trust Christ alone for our hope and salvation.
Children are welcome, and a nursery will be provided. An offering will be taken forWEPC Deacon’s Fund.
Register for WEPC’s 2013 Lenten Devotional Blog
To register for a daily devotional for the season of Lent & Easter, click here and enter your email in the right sidebar to follow the blog.
It’s easy & you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to confirm your registration. Each day between Ash Wednesday (February 13) and Easter (March 31), you’ll receive a brief scripture passage in your inbox. We hope it will be a help to us all in prayer and reflection. We’ll consider our need of the salvation that Jesus Christ provides, and our desire to grow in His grace. We’ll walk the road to the Cross, and hope in Christ’s resurrection together.