Praying Friends

Praying Friends
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” (Mark 2:5)

Sometimes, we need friends to have faith for us. And certainly this is the ministry of our Lord Jesus, the Friend of sinners. He advocates for us at the Father’s right hand. His Spirit intercedes for us. In this hope, Praying Friends is a small team of women who are available to the women of WEPC at the beginning of each month, to intercede for them, trusting Christ to give them what they need. All prayer needs will be kept confidential.

Who may come to Praying Friends? Any woman who desires to be prayed for by others.

When does Praying Friends meet? On the first Sunday of the month from 9:15 to 10:15 AM in the WEPC Chapel.

You may sign up for a time by calling our confidential voicemail at 741-6562, ext. 21, or by emailing confidentially to Appointments, however, are not necessary. Feel free to join us anytime.