Maundy Thursday Worship & Communion, 7PM April 2 2015

Maundy Thursday

:: Download the 2015 Maundy Thursday Liturgy

This worship service commemorates the night Jesus Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper, washed the disciples’ feet, prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, and was betrayed, arrested, and taken away for trial.  Called Maundy Thursday, (from mandatum, the Latin origin of “mandate”) it refers to Christ’s mandate to serve one another, which He demonstrated by the washing of feet.

We gather to worship, to remember His work on the cross, to celebrate communion, and to respond to Christ’s mandate to serve each other.

No nursery provided; Children are welcome at this service. An offering will be taken for the WEPC Deacon’s Ministry Fund, providing financial assistance for the needy in our church and community, as well as needs and ministries approved by the WEPC Diaconate.