Discover WEPC

Who is this designed for?

For those who want to know more about WEPC and for those who want to be known more at WEPC. This is a time to ask questions about the mission of Jesus’ church in this little corner of the world.  Guests and longtime members are all welcome.

What should I expect?

You should expect lunch, about an hour of guided conversation led by a pastor, and finally an optional Q&A time.

Where is the Gathering Room?

The Gathering Room is the nicely decorated room directly connected with the Sanctuary; Room 160. It can be accessed from two doors in the Sanctuary as well as a door in the back hallway, across from the Nursery Counter.

Are children welcome?

Children are definitely welcome to join you! We will not provide childcare, but there will be a nursery room available for their free play during our conversation.

What is the menu?

That will change each month, but care is taken for both allergies and calories. Please contact the church office a week prior if you need to know the menu.

Does this cost anything?

It will cost you some time, but it is free of charge.

What if I can’t come this month?

No worries; it will happen again next month! Come then!

Can I attend this in lieu of Inquirer’s Weekend if I desire to be a member?

No. If you desire to be a member of WEPC, you must still attend an Inquirer’s Weekend, or Inquirer’s series. For information about dates and times, please check the website, bulletin, or contact the church office.

What if I have questions?

Then email Pastor Joe Brown at