Mission, Vision & Values


The mission of WEPC is to make followers of Jesus who bring the Gospel to bear on every facet of life and culture.

[gn_pullquote align=”left”] “Your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.”
—Isaiah 26:8[/gn_pullquote]

Our vision as Christ’s community drives us to boldly participate in His redemptive ministry. In the explosive dynamics of Gospel-centered living, individual and corporate renewal ultimately leads to Metro Richmond transformation. We are blessed by God to be a blessing to the relationships and circles of influence where the Holy Spirit has sovereignly planted us. And there is an amazing interplay between spiritual renewal and ministry risk.

We believe that renewal in the life of the believer and in the church leads to mission. As the Gospel becomes precious to believers, we become convicted that we have Good News to share. Therefore our outreach is always an expression of the love of God in Christ to sinners who are compelled to love others in light of the Message of Jesus Christ. Why would we not want to participate in such a dynamic mission?

We also believe that mission leads to renewal. In the spiritual dynamics of ministry, the ember of faith is often fanned into a hot flame in the midst of the risks taken by believers. We regularly see that, while stepping out in faith is never the source of new life, it is the context. Desperate people are eager to believe, and straw hopes fail to supply what our Living Hope is for His Church. Will our faithful Lord not make good on His promises to us and to the world?

In light of the Gospel, the best way to act like a community of faith expressing itself through love is to engage in our mission corporately—as a Body. As we take risks following Jesus together, we will experience sweet fellowship in His purposes for the life of His people. WEPC must be committed to the large-scale renewal of Richmond, Virginia, spiritually, socially and culturally. We believe the most effective way of accomplishing our mission and changing our city is by giving ourselves wholeheartedly to a number of strategic ministry initiatives.


To be a biblically authentic community of faith expressing itself through love.

[gn_pullquote align=”right”]“In Christ Jesus… the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”
—Galatians 5:6[/gn_pullquote]

God’s design is to change and redeem His broken creation.

The Gospel changes lives and restores relationships

The Gospel makes us outward-faced

The Gospel creates a movement mentality

The Gospel renews our community

The Gospel makes the church essential in these tasks

The core value that the Gospel changes everything fuels our sense of identity as a church. Because of this conviction we minister and live with great hope, joy and confidence. We boldly proclaim the Gospel to all people—both believer and skeptic. And we recognize and are motivated by a captivating sense of God’s favor on the Church.

We believe that our God is growing a people marked by humility and confidence here at WEPC. A community that corporately finds its life and meaning in our passion to know Christ and demonstrate His grace toward one another. A fellowship that loves to follow wherever God leads and can’t help but boast in His salvation before the watching world.

We know that God’s design for us is that we are made more and more to look like Jesus. As the image of God is renewed in us, we eagerly give ourselves to His worship and work. That’s why we can only see ourselves as a people belonging to God participating in God’s purposes.

Core Value


The Gospel Changes Everything

[gn_pullquote align=”left”] “The Gospel…is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…”—Romans 1:16[/gn_pullquote]

At West End Presbyterian Church, we believe that our purpose is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever, and our mission is to help followers of Jesus bring the Gospel to bear in every facet of our lives and culture.

We have this purpose and mission because of the Gospel. It is our deep, abiding conviction that our God has paid for our sins and given us new life by His grace alone. This has been accomplished, once and for all, through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

And this Good News changes everything.

Absolutely everything.

There is not one person, relationship, situation, people group, culture, or neighborhood that is so wrecked and sin-affected that it falls outside the redemptive mission of Jesus. No corner of this city, no dark chamber of the human heart can escape the Holy Spirit’s invasive and transforming work. The cosmic message and bold ministry of reconciliation that God has entrusted to His people erupts in and through the Church. And we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.

When what God had done for us in Jesus Christ is most precious to us, that brilliant vision propels us into the fields of this world that are white for the harvest. The congregation that is corporately amazed at their Heavenly Father’s boundless grace is renewed and revived, and this inevitably prompts our moving out in unified mission—in the Name of Jesus Christ, and in the strength of His Spirit.

In light of the Gospel, the best way to live like “a community of faith expressing itself through love” is to engage in the ministry of Jesus corporately as His Body. As we take risks following Jesus together, learning about Him and His Word, we will experience sweet fellowship in His purposes for the life of His people. Our desire is to equip the church to participate in the mission of the people of God and to encourage new generation of leaders.

How do I respond?

We believe that the combination of faithful teaching and hands-on initiative is the best context for personal transformation. Sitting in a classroom is of limited value. Action without encouragement and training can have disastrous consequences. But followers of Jesus who are being trained in His Word and His purposes, who participate in His ministry in the power of His Spirit are a formidable force for change.

Our hope is that every man, woman and child at WEPC would personally participate in three areas:

Be equipped:

  • discover and employ your spiritual gifts in the mission
  • home fellowship groups
  • men’s or women’s groups
  • child or adult classes

Take a risk:

  • share the message of the gospel
  • tutor a child or adult
  • go on a mission trip
  • get on leadership track
  • join a ministry team
  • serve in children’s ministry
  • offer to cook meals or set-up for meetings
  • demonstrate mercy and hospitality
  • attend a prayer meeting
  • volunteer in a wepc partner ministry
  • participate in a wepc church plant

Pray for God’s Kingdom to Advance

Please join us in earnestly praying that that the Lord would use WEPC in the large-scale renewal of Metro Richmond. Specifically pray for our Gospel-centered living and for Jesus to bear fruit through a…

  • transformed people
  • transformed church
  • transformed city
  • transformed world

We are grateful for your partnership in the Gospel. Where will Jesus take us as His Kingdom advances?