Prep for Worship on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

christmas-slider-2016“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”  Isaiah 9:2

Christmas Eve, Saturday 12/24

4pm Family Service.  A special service for families with young children.

Download a copy of this year’s 4PM Family Service bulletin here.

7pm Service of Lessons and Carols.  A cycle of Scripture readings and hymns led by a jazz quintet for all ages. We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper as a part of this service. No nurseries provided for Christmas Eve Services. Children of all ages welcome.

Download a copy of this year’s 7PM Lessons & Carols Service bulletin here.

At both Christmas Eve Service, an offering will be taken for the Deacon’s Mercy Fund to provide financial assistance for the needy in our church and community and for ministries approved by the WEPC Diaconate.  At the 4PM service, children may make an offering of non-perishable food for the WEPC Food Pantry.

Christmas Day, Sunday 12/25

On Sunday, December 25, we will gather for a 10:30am worship service. There will be no nursery, Sunday School, or Children’s Worship. As always, children are welcomed and encouraged to worship with their families.

Download a copy of this year’s Christmas Day Service bulletin here.