Who We Are

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The term junior varsity or “JV” is used in sports to describe the team that is at the beginning levels of competition for their particular sport. It is expected that while on the junior varsity squad, there will be a lot of instruction and learning that needs to take place. In the same way, the middle school ministry is the place where students begin to “stretch their wings” of faith. It is during this time where students are challenged to think through and take hold of faith as their own. They are in the beginning stages of working out how the Gospel impacts every facet of their life. Although we never stop learning the depth and implications of the Gospel, these three years of middle school have an incredible learning curve in relation to the impact the love of Jesus has on one’s whole life!

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With high school comes busyness: games, concerts, shows, events, activities, homework, SATs, college applications, etc. Where is God in the midst of all of this? He is near, very near. Through His work on the cross, Jesus has tied Himself to us. In Him, we are adopted sons of the King who have unfettered access to God the Father anytime from anywhere. Ephesians 3:11b-12 ” . . . Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him.” The desire for our high school students is that they would grow upon the foundation of their faith to learn to walk all their days in intimate relationship with their Heavenly Father having full confidence that He knows them, hears them, and is for them.