Nursery Schedule

Nursery Schedule – October 2017
Nursery Schedule – November 2017
Nursery Schedule – December 2017


If you find that you cannot serve on your scheduled week, then please take the time to call and/or email another member from another week to switch with them. Below is a tool to help you find a substitute.  Simply enter your contact information and the week you need to swap, and find someone who is also looking for a switch.  Be sure to notify your nursery coordinator when you are done!

Nursery Worker Swap Tool

Otherwise, feel free to call or email others serving in the nursery to find a substitute. If you do not have phone numbers or emails, there are directories available for pick up in the church office. Once you have scheduled a “swap” with someone, please alert the Nursery Coordinators involved (their names and emails are on the schedule).

Why are all members asked to participate in the Nursery?

From the early days of West End Presbyterian Church over a decade ago, the Session has asked that all members serve in the nursery on a rotational basis. Over the years it has helped establish a nursery that has welcomed hundreds of children into our church. With the size of our ministry to nursery-aged children, having the members rotate into the nursery every eight to nine weeks has been an integral part to the success of this ministry.

But the reasons for “nursery service for all members” go far beyond the practical.  Nursery service hits at the very heart of what it means to be a church. WEPC’s vision is to be a “biblically authentic community of faith expressing itself in love.” How can I, the individual member, express love to the community? How can I fulfill the baptismal vows of “assisting the parents in the Christian nurture of (these) children?” How can I fulfill the membership vow to “support the worship and work of the church?”

The Session has asked that all members serve in the Nursery because (1) it enables the individual member to practically and clearly answer the aforementioned vows, and (2) WEPC has always been uniquely gifted with a large number of children. To support the work of the church in the nursery requires about 40 workers every week, and with all members serving, we are asking members to serve no more than once every eight weeks.

Perhaps serving the nursery is something you cannot or will not do. If this is so, please speak with Joe Brown,  Associate Pastor.  Our desire is to foster an environment in the nursery of prayer, blessing and an atmosphere of the Gospel and we do not want members serving unwillingly. The world will know we are his disciples when we are faithful to love one another, and it seems to the elders that this is a way for us to do just that. God bless you for your willing service.

Because of our Child Safety Policy, most members should wait six months before serving with our children. Therefore, six months after becoming a member of WEPC you will be contacted about serving in the Nursery. You will have a specific Nursery Coordinator that will oversee the particular week you are serving. Every other month, a schedule is emailed out to all members and posted at the nursery counter clearly stating nursery assignments and the contact information of the Nursery Coordinator. If you are unable to serve on that week, it will be your responsibility to find a substitute member and to let your Nursery Coordinator know. Specific training will be offered throughout the year to help you bring the Gospel to our littlest friends. Until then, if you have any questions, please contact Heather Jarvis at (804) 741-6562 or